Anthony Cudahy, Ted Gahl, Zoë Field, Tom Forkin, Jim Hodges, Nina Li, Heather McKenna, Kate Missett, John Monti, Britt Moseley, Izabelle New, Tin Nguyen, Megan Plunkett, Am Schmidt

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Jim Hodges, Untitled (Happy Valentine’s Day), 1996, ballpoint pen and gouache on paper, 8 x 14.5 inches

Ted Gahl, Twain ’89 (Exit left), 2014, acrylic, graphite, enamel on canvas, 72 x 48 inches

Installation view, Tin Nguyen and Jim Hodges

John Monti, Flower Cluster, White Wedding, 2013-2015, cast urethane, resin, pigmented pearl resin finish, 30 x 46 x 19 inches

Kate Missett, Rabbit in a Flower Garden, 2008, hand-built terracotta with Majolica glaze, 36 x 12 x 20 inches

Nina Li, Untitled, 2015, oil on canvas, 20 x 30 inches

Tom Forkin, Untitled, 2016, clay, glaze, 8 x 5 x 3 inches

Tom Forkin, Untitled, 2016, clay, glass, soot, epoxy clay, 16 x 16 x 6 inches

Zoë Field, Schrätlein, 2016, platane leaf, aqua-resin, epoxy, ink, graphite, steel, 11 x 13 x 2 inches

Anthony Cudahy, KoaM, 2016, oil on canvas, 24 x 16 inches

Zoë Field, Teen Leaf, 2016, maple leaf, aqua-resin, epoxy, graphite, steel, 68 x 8 x 6 inches

Zoë Field, Teen Leaf (detail)

Heather McKenna, Untitled, 2016, graphite on cold-pressed watercolor paper, 22 x 30 inches

Megan Plunkett, Nail Boxed on Wall? Cupboard. Split Wood Furniture? It’s Ok 07, 08, 09, 2016, digital print in artists’ frame, 11 x 14.5 inches

Am Schmidt, Better gym. Better price., 2015, archival inkjet print, 30 x 20 inches

Britt Moseley, Rain Slab, Mountain Slab, Dirt and Pond Slab, 2016, stoneware and glaze, 18.5 x 12 x 4 inches, 18.5 x 12 x 4 inches, 11 x 13 x 2.5 inches

Izabelle New, With or without you (╬ Ò ‸ Ó), 2016, copper, silk, pressed and dehydrated flowers, weeds, and other organic materials, chain, embroidery floss, glass, pearls, acrylic paint, lights, 108 x 18 inches

Tin Nguyen, Can Tower, 2016, soda cans, wire, fan, inkjet on paper, bronze rod, electrical cord, 148 x 14 x 9 inches